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PROSERVIA : Pôle Conseil Expertise
26 juin 2013

Exchange 2010: Creating a secondary OWA Site with Integrated Authentication

Exchange 2010: Creating a secondary OWA Site with Integrated Authentication
In some cases it may be necessary to have the default OWA site require manual authentication (forms based or basic), specifically if your users use it to access multiple Exchange accounts. At the same time, I have found myself trying to become less dependent...
25 septembre 2011

Open World Forum : le groupware Zarafa proposera bientôt une alternative à Lync

Tout va bien pour la solution collaborative Zarafa, qui disposera prochainement d’un module avancé de communication et profite de plusieurs annonces positives Zarafa est un éditeur néerlandais qui monte rapidement en puissance avec son groupware open...
11 avril 2009

Running the Hyper-V Management Tools with Alternate Credentials

I recently needed to run the Hyper-V Management Tools with alternate credentials. In my case I was wanting to manage a domain joined Hyper-V server from a non-domain joined Windows Vista computer. The easiest way to make this work is to have the same...